Step 1 - Unwrap your new English Ivy plant carefully.
Step 2 - Hydrate the plant thoroughly and let drain and follow care guide below.
Happy Planting!
Native to light woodland areas, English Ivy houseplants thrive in an environment of bright filtered to low light. Ample light helps the leaves become more colorful but filter the light to prevent excessive heat which can lead to drying and poor performance.
English Ivy plants are not greatly affected by hot and cold temperature but fluctuating temperatures can stifle performance dramatically. Keep English Ivy in an atmosphere with a consistent temperature and away from drafts, open doors, or vents. Temperatures below 40oF will cause the leaves of the plants to take on a different shade. All-green ivies turn red or purple. Maroon streaks take over yellow-leaved cultivars. Marginally variegated ivies turn pink at the edges.
Polka dot plant requires even moisture to grow well. This is best delivered by planting in a soil that is rich, yet well-draining. An organic potting soil is ideal, like miracle gro.
English Ivy (Hedera helix) plants prefer an evenly moist environment. Water the plants freely during growth. Keep English Ivy houseplants moist in the winter. Spraying English Ivy with soft water weekly will help prevent spider mites from infesting the plants.
English Ivy requires moist air and temperatures around 75 degrees Fahrenheit to grow well. Keep the plant in a warm location and boost the humidity. This can be done by creating a humidity tray, misting several times a day and grouping plants together. Plants transpire and humidify one another.
Winter growth of English Ivy plants tends to be very long without bearing many leaves. Trim areas like this with lots of woody growth but few leaves. For the plant to fill out properly during growth cut the stems down to strong growth areas.